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Ryan Penir

Co-Lead Pastor

The Rundown: I was raised in the Central Valley and have always loved the opportunities it has afforded me as an outdoorsman and lover of multiculturalism. I have traveled the world for missions work and fell in love with different cultures and seeing God moving and breathing everywhere I've been.

I'm a creator/artist with a woodworking and blacksmithing company and a drive to create new and unique things. This innate desire is part of the reason I love to lead a church body; my passion is to help people live out their unique giftings in Christ. My wife, Ashley, shares this love of culture and travel. She is a geography teacher and professor of education. *We are blessed to have a perfect family. My wife and I have never had an argument or disagreement, and my two sons have never disobeyed me.* Ok, not really. Ours is an average family that has struggles, trials, and blessings.

I'm so excited that God has called me to co-lead First Street Church and help everyone experience Jesus and live the abundant life. When I first read Jesus' words in John 10:10, I knew that God wanted more for us. My goal is that we all know and understand how to live an intentional life of abundance. This life looks different for everyone but will always include loving and serving everyone. I hope you'll allow us to get to know you and see where you fit in this family. 

Ryan Penir
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